So a concern I frequently present to myself in idle hours (not that I have any type of “idle hours” anymore; “idle forty seconds” is the most I can hope for) is: is there a garment you might wear in any type of era? Say, if you were a time traveler (for example, cough, a buddy to a specific Time Lord, cough)?
This pattern may be a competitor (especially the cowl-neck Princess Leia version). Doesn’t it state “I’m going to get medieval on your ass” as well as “the future has stewardesses” simultaneously? If it were made of that material they had in the Zenna Henderson stories which might be smoothed as well as stretched to any type of length, this would be perfect. Lengthen the skirt for the past, raise it for the future, add a good cardigan as well as go anywhere in area or time!
This pattern has a extremely accurate place in area as well as time: it’s at CoconutPie’s Etsy shop. (And Susan at Coconut Pie provides a a 10 per cent discount rate to anybody who mentions “dressaday” in their notes to seller.)
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A guest Rant on “Why Are vintage Patterns So Expensive?”July 17, 2008With 116 comments
HOW TO: make a three-panel skirt have pocketsFebruary 18, 2007
Vague Questions, responded to VaguelyJuly 1, 2008