I *think* this is the last vogue 8728 — I went and dug it out of the “winter dresses” storage container in the garage, although really, in San Francisco you can pretty much wear your wintertime clothes on any random day in July. My east coast habits will die hard, though, and I’ll pull out that bin of corduroy and wool just when we hit that string of charming 70+F days in late September and early October. (Someday I’ll learn …)
Speaking of wool, this is liberty Jubilee, which is one of my favorite fabrics in the world. Jubilee is not the pattern name; it’s the name of their wool/cotton mix. It’s lightweight, warm, and wrinkle-free. (This was not-so-gently placed in the previously mentioned storage bin and I was able to photograph it without pressing it.) I don’t think they make it anymore, which is a shame. (There’s also the Burwood liberty fabric, which is wool/silk … I have a piece but I haven’t made anything with it yet.)
Here’s the bodice:
And the side zip & pocket:
And the back:
Wow, the days are going by really quickly. I can’t believe that we’ll be done in a little over a month!
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Looking for a dress … and Nag Me, PleaseJanuary 20, 2009
At liberty to SayNovember 3, 2008
Fabric shopping in Japan: Liberty!August 5, 2008With 56 comments